Thursday, December 31, 2020

Green firewood or dry firewood

Green firewood or dry firewood (ξυλα για τζακι)

The answer is simple, always dry wood. 

Green wood has less calorific worth , likewise, it will radiate a lot of smoke, usually white and extremely thick, so you won't get the best results on your grill and it will even get irritating. 

The best firewood for grill in mibarbacoa The best firewood for grill must be dry , at any rate it must have been 6 months in the open, in the sun, allowing it to lose all the water it contains prior to choosing to use it for one of your barbecues.

Regardless of the sort of tree from which it was gotten, as we advised you, it must always be dry. 

It will be useless to choose a decent oak or oak firewood on the off chance that it is not yet green. 

What's more, of course, keep away from a firewood, especially branches, that may still contain green leaves or twigs , because those leaves or twigs will still make all the more thick smoke, they won't touch off and they will give you heat for your barbecues. 

In Spain we are fortunate to have numerous and shifted types of firewood , so it won't be hard for you to locate the best firewood for grill. 

From the most resistant mountain trees, through those of development and arriving at the natural product trees, the assortment is wide and there are numerous distributors who have a wide scope of firewood to choose from. (ξυλα)

In this field of firewood types, you must also separate between firewoods, called hard and soft. 

The best firewood for grill in mibarbacoa The hardwood comes from trees of extraordinary hardness and resistance, wood that will offer us the best qualities to get the best embers for our grill and the best calorific execution. 

Softwood is not that they are not useful, we can simply consider that they are types of wood that will give us less an ideal opportunity to light and get embers, yet these won't be as incredible and strong as hard wood. 

As a kind of perspective for hard firewood we can name holm oak, holm oak, olive or oak and as soft firewood those of natural product trees , any of them, aside from orange wood, which can also be considered of high hardness and extremely useful for our grill. 

In another purpose of the types of firewood, we would also have the plant shoots, the branches of the plant, which in numerous places are used to make delicious paellas and for roasts that require extraordinary control of the fire. In our case, in our inventory, you can locate our special grill for paellas , a grill arranged for charcoal and firewood however with which, likewise, you can use the plant shoots to make paellas.