Thursday, October 15, 2020


 6. Visitors leave the site quickly (κατασκευή ιστοσελίδων)

For certain websites, the client venture necessitates that users visit various pages or remain on the site for quite a while. On the off chance that you are altering a blog, you presumably need individuals to peruse and share your articles. On the off chance that you have an online business site, you need customers to peruse your item inventory, pick various to fill their truck, and keep on ordering. If so for your site, users should remain for more than a couple of moments. 

There are a couple of measurements you can use to decide whether users are leaving your site excessively fast: 

Bounce Rate: Simply put, a bounce happens when a client visits one page on your site and doesn't visit different pages. Your bounce rate is the quantity of bounces isolated by the quantity of sessions on your site. Google Analytics offers more information on bounce rates here. Remember that if individuals leave your site quickly, yet you actually meet your business objectives, you don't need to worry about anything. 

Pages/Session: This is the average number of pages that users visit per session. The higher this number, the more noteworthy the quantity of pages that the average client sees when seeing your site. 

Behavior stream: This will give you a superior thought of ​​how users are perusing your website, particularly if the settings above are not as applicable to your requirements. For more information on the Behavior Feed, see this Google Analytics Help. 

7. Web users can't discover what they are searching for 

At the point when potential clients visit your site, they ought to have the option to quickly figure out what to do. In the event that they're searching for explicit information, they can discover what they're searching for in a matter of minutes. On the off chance that they are attempting to purchase, buy in, or get information, they ought to have the option to do as such without outside assistance. Else, you need an audit to make it simpler to explore. 

Do you get a ton of calls, messages, or get a ton of client criticism about what information is now on the website and how to get to it? Assuming this is the case, it is an indication that visitors are experiencing issues finding what they need on your website. 

8. Your fundamental competitors have redesigned their websites. (seo)

Except if you're a designer, it's difficult to discern whether your site looks obsolete. One approach to discover is to check the websites of your competitors and other comparative organizations in your industry. Something to think about: 

Have they as of late changed their designs? 

Are their designs totally different from yours? 

Note the content size, colors, and realistic styles they use. On the off chance that they've been as of late redesigned and those components are excessively not quite the same as yours, think about looking for the counsel of an expert designer. 

Obsolete design isn't just about style, it's likewise unobtrusive signs to your crowd. Redesign tells them you've stayed up with the occasions and your business is blasting. 

As a rule, if the current look of your website was made more than 5 years back, design patterns have likely changed enough that your site looks obsolete. 

9. Your brand, items or administrations have changed 

It is likewise conceivable that your site is not, at this point illustrative of your business. Here are a few signs that this could be the situation: 

Corporate photographs on your site no longer component current staff or offices. 

Your objective market has moved to another market since your present design was made. 

Your smash hit items or administrations have changed. 

Contrasted with your site, your print advertising material is more up to date, has new information, or has an alternate look. 

On the off chance that any of these announcements end up being correct, you should work with a designer who has some involvement with rebranding . 

10. Your site isn't secure (μαγειρευτο φαγητο)

A few websites are especially defenseless against assaults, for example, those that sudden spike in demand for content administration frameworks (CMS) or web based business sites that send or get installments. 

In case of an assault, client information could be taken, your website could be held prisoner, or odd content, for example, promotions or undesirable connections could begin showing up on your site. 

These sorts of assaults are exorbitant for independent companies. After an assault, 60% of private ventures can't get by for more than a half year. While a redesign won't tackle the issue, it's typically an indicator that you have to redesign your site without any preparation. Something else, the current weaknesses could even now be available. 

How regularly would it be advisable for you to redesign your website? 

Carefully, there is no firm standard about when is the best an ideal opportunity to redo. Much relies upon your industry, the quantity of pages on your site, the utilitarian attributes of your site, and your business objectives. 

For "storefront" type websites that have just a couple of pages and no web based business usefulness, you can do a standard audit like clockwork. However, in the event that your site is more exceptional - with web based business usefulness or an as often as possible refreshed blog, or on the off chance that it gets countless visitors every month - you ought to consider doing a month to month registration. 

So as to direct an ordinary audit of your website design, this agenda will assist you with comprehension if a major change is required or on the off chance that you just need a couple of adjustments.

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